The Wanting Tool

The-Wanting-ToolWanting is actually a judgement of ourselves in that it is a judgement that the next moment may be better than the current moment – or that we are insufficient for self-love, happiness and freedom of choice without something.

Wanting is based in Fear Consciousness and is the opposite of Desire, which is based in Love Consciousness.  Wanting is focused in the future, and so is powerless, and desire is active and relevant to the present moment, and so is powerful and dynamic – actually happening now.

A judgement of life or reality is always inherently a judgement of ourselves, if we are willing to see it at its core truth.

As much as we may think the current moment is not as enjoyable as others may be, prior to judgement ALL moments are equally enjoyable.  It is primarily the moments of non-judgement which we enjoy, and the moments of self-judgement which are unenjoyable.

To enjoy something means the ability to bring joy to it.  This equally means the ability to bring conscious awareness to it, and to our choice in any given moment.  This is always possible as long as we are not in self-judgement. If you allow yourself choice there is no wanting.  It becomes a paradox, the releasing of wanting brings up self-permission for whatever choice is possible in the given moment.  Any choices that are literally not possible are not worth thinking about.

Letting go of the judgement that some moments are better than others allows us to live in THE moment, in the flow of everything, and this puts a totally different experience on life – one of complete freedom.

The Wanting Tool: “Would I let go of the self-judgement that is causing me suffering by creating this quality of wanting within me?”

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