The ‘Trying’ Tool

The-Trying-ToolWhilst endeavour, or trying to do something as a discovery, of trial and error, is inherently self-loving, there’s a certain energy or quality of feeling that we all recognise which comes with ‘trying’, which isn’t.  This is us operating under self-judgement and pretending to ourselves that we are not acting from unawareness.

In this state we are shutting out our unawareness, pretending that we are ‘trying’, but secretly knowing we are shutting out an awareness around the issue.  We can tell the difference if we are willing to be honest with ourselves because one form of trying is characterised by discomfort and incongruence, and the other is characterised by congruent and effective action.

We can become conscious by simply letting go of the judgement-feeling of this energy of trying whenever we feel frustration, by asking this question:

The ‘Trying’ Tool: “In what way is my current ‘trying’ coming from a form of self-judgement?  Would I let that judgement go?”

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