The Love Consciousness ToolsTM



The ‘How to’ of Consciousness Tools is that
there isn’t a ‘How to’. – James Blacker

Love Consciousness is the understanding of our natural, inherent being which is the basis of 200 Women’, and The Love Consciousness Tools are what put that into powerful and effective action.

Although there are a few tools here, they are all variations of the same one principle – becoming conscious.  In any given moment when we stop judging life we experience reality – consciously, and it is also this quality which allows the release of judgement, and what you may call healing, and is certainly the return to genuine choice.

The reason I share more than one tool is to give you a few ways of seeing things to get at the same thing – ‘conscious’ – from different angles.

In time, you may not need the formal tools, and are able to transmute any moment to ‘conscious’ as and when you like or need to.

“All questions are tools, but not all tools are questions.” – Jon Freeman, Author of The Science of Possibility

All questions are Consciousness Tools, so you can ask yourself any question at any time.

All of these tools can be re-worded in your head at any time to whatever wording flows or suits you best.  You just need the gist, or the energy or feel of them.

How to Use The Love Consciousness Tools

So it’s worth remembering…

“The ‘How to’ of Consciousness Tools is that there isn’t a ‘How to’.” – James Blacker

These questions are not meant to be answered – or at least they don’t have to be answered.  If you get an awareness that comes up around them as a result of asking them, great!  Either way, by asking for the release of the judgement, we are creating the ‘space’ in consciousness that allows what’s possible.

All we have to do here is bypass the judging aspect of the mind and leave the space clear for your awareness to allow you to operate from choice – something that has become unfamiliar to most people, as judgement – so insidious in any unenlightened society – has prevented choice from being authentic and genuine, giving us all the illusion of choice, but rarely the active reality of it.

So you don’t need to ‘do’ anything – just use the tools – and make your choices free from the constriction of self-judgement.  Can it really be that simple?  Yes.  Nature is elegant and simple.  …or let’s use a tool for that…

What awareness do you have that the real you, and being you in your truth, flowing with the success you genuinely desire, is actually as simple as letting yourself be all of that which you are?

…Would you like to let go of any judgements that wouldn’t allow you to receive that?
