The Interpretation of Self-Talk Tool

The-Interpretation-Self-Talk-ToolWhilst people complain about their self-talk, the one crucial point they don’t realise is that when a ‘negative’ thought comes up in our thoughts, it is only neutral information until we interpret it, and it is the act of interpretation, which is so instantaneously quick we don’t usually notice ourselves doing it, which turns it into an actual negative thought and conflict.

What we need to realise is that repairing the relationship we have with ourselves and our own self-talk needs to start with us – or rather what we think of as ‘us’, our conscious minds.

When we ask for something, and the mind raises the fact that we hold a belief that we don’t deserve it, this doesn’t have to be seen as an unhelpful unless we take it to be a self-judgement.

By not judging the information, we can interpret it as: “You hold a belief that you don’t deserve this thing, would you like to let that self-judgement go?”, or any other helpful way which is inviting us to accept and receive what we’ve asked for, by making us aware of what we need to be aware of in order to achieve and receive the very thing we’ve asked for!  It cannot happen any other way. We have to push through our blocks and self-imposed limitations to receive what we truly desire.

…there is meant to be a quality of change if we are asking for a change in a situation!

Interpretation is the key which flips all things.

The Interpretation of Self-Talk Tool: “In what way am I judging the helpful information my mind gives me as ‘against me’, unhelpful and a self-sabotage, rather than the invitation necessary to change and receive what I’ve asked for that it really is?  Would I let those judgements go?”

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