The Emotional or Psychological Rewards Tool


“Notice the tension that you are under when you talk to other people.  The tension comes from the mistaken belief that other people can give you emotional or psychological rewards.” – Colin Turner

A huge amount of judgements have been necessary to keep us from all realising the truth that other people can’t give us emotional or psychological rewards.

We have a society that is lost in the belief that others can even be responsible for our happiness.  Our music, relationships and culture are all buried under the mistaken belief that others can give us these emotional or psychological rewards.

When we gain freedom from this illusion we can engage in receiving the joy of human interaction from choice, rather than from Fear Consciousness.

The Emotional or Psychological Rewards Tool: “What judgements can I let go of to allow myself to realise that I am free from the mistaken belief that other people can give me emotional or psychological rewards?”

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