The Judging Others is Judging Me Tool

The-Judging-Others-Me-ToolJudging others is merely an expression of judging ourselves in disguise.

For example, if we have been taught that money is evil, we may have pushed down our natural joy at the prosperity an opportunity that money can bring, and our Inner Self’s best approach to helping us realise this is our discomfort at seeing others enjoying these things which causes us to be judgmental of them.

When we check in with ourselves we realise that we don’t want to be judgmental of them at all.

The Judging Others is Judging Me Tool: “What self-judgement is my judging of others a reflection of?  Would I be willing to let that go?”

And another part of this tool which can go with this and soften the blow of the potential embarrassment of this realisation, is:

“…and will I be willing to not judge myself for having had to take on this unconscious judgement of others in order to survive?”

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