The Conscious ‘Negatives’ Tool

The-Conscious-Negs-ToolBoth The Laziness Tool, and The Procrastination Tool are members of a broader, almost infinite group of sub-tools that can be applied from a certain ‘parent’ tool and teaching I call Conscious ‘Negatives’.

There are no ‘negatives’ in Consciousness, and the judgement of anything as ‘unwelcome’ prevents us from having access to the information that allows us to know ourselves fully in respect to the matter, whatever it is.

‘Conscious’ essentially means ‘without judgement’, or at the very least without hidden, unconscious self-judgement being able to get past the awareness of one who is now practiced in this energy and knows the difference.  So by putting the word ‘Conscious’ in front of the so called negative, we get a whole new approach to the vast world of negatives, which allows them all to be transmuted into genuine choice.

The trouble with supposed negatives is that if we are unconscious to them, if we judge them – and so put ourselves in self-judgement because of them, we go into resistance of them, and resistance is reactive and not conscious.  Resistance shuts down our awareness, which in turn shuts down our choice.  Resistance in the moment is the issue, and stops us living effectively in the moment.

We want to reclaim the information about our truth that has been lost to us and buried, and is hiding under the judgement of the ‘negative’.

What we will generally find is that these things which we pass judgement of ourselves on aren’t actually true.

The Conscious ‘Negatives’ Tool: “Wherever and however I am judging this [xyz – insert ‘negative’] as a negative, and therefore something to be resisted, would I let that judgement go and allow myself to operate from my own awareness and genuine choice?”

The list of topics which can be applied to this principle is almost infinite, and includes;

  • Conscious Indecision
  • Conscious Self-Sabotage
  • Conscious Embarrassment
  • Conscious ‘Failure’
  • Conscious ‘Choking’
  • Conscious Awkward Silences
  • Conscious Self-hatred
  • Conscious Stupidity
  • Conscious ‘Sinning’
  • Conscious Gluttony
  • Conscious Shyness
  • Conscious Guilt
  • Conscious Conscience-fighting
  • Conscious Disrespect
  • Conscious Waste
  • Conscious Addiction
  • Conscious Obsession
  • Conscious Avoidance
  • Conscious Laziness
  • Conscious Procrastination
  • Conscious Selfishness
  • Conscious Lying
  • Conscious Judgementalism of others
  • Conscious Ego
  • Conscious Shadow
  • Conscious Big Ego
  • Conscious Crying
  • Conscious Fear
  • Conscious Shame
  • Conscious Worry
  • Conscious ‘Living in the Future’
  • Conscious ‘Living in The Past’
  • Conscious Childishness
  • Conscious Shallowness
  • Conscious Lust
  • Conscious Depression
  • Conscious Defending (Defensiveness)
  • Conscious ‘Grabbing’/Getting Energy
  • Conscious Loneliness

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