The Body Wisdom Tools

The-Body-Wisdom-ToolIn 2002, my friend and then colleague, David Heard, taught me to listen to my body.  In his words, “you’re getting a feel for what’s going on, you’re reading the runes of your own body.”

Having learned this, I have since taken mind-body awareness and insight on further, to see all manner of subtle details in the way our bodies infallibly reflect the truth that is going on in our minds, and in the wider Consciousness.  Where the mind may be murky, the body is always clear in its signals and feedback to us, when listened to.

There is whole world of understanding and wealth of information to be gained from understanding the intelligence of the body more fully, that is too wide and vast to go into here, so we leave the following as main body wisdom tools:

The Body Wisdom Tool #1: “Am I listening to my body right now? Body, what would you like me to hear? / what would you like to tell me? I am listening.”

The Body Wisdom Tool #2: “Would I let of of any judgements that aren’t allowing me to honour my body’s needs right now?”

The Body Wisdom Tool #3: “Body, what do you think about this? Is it safe/wise/advisable, etc.?”

And because we are dealing with the body here, the answers may come back in a feeling form, rather than an intellectual understanding, though they may also be both, particularly if you are willing to receive that information.

The body reflects the deepest desires of the heart and soul, and I have had conversations with colleagues in which we’ve concluded that we don’t know of any difference between the body and the subconscious mind, so there is wisdom in trusting the body, and in particular allowing it to heal any rift between conscious and unconscious information and desires, and unify them to the point of our congruent choice and confidence, effectiveness and fulfillment.

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