Archive for January, 2016

Telecall Series: The Tools to Shift Any Limitation – Tickets

Friday, January 15th, 2016

Sign up for one or all of this telecall series via the links below.

Conscious ‘Negatives’

Monday, January 4th, 2016

Conscious ‘Negatives’ (Audio) by James Blacker

As the audio to accompany the Love Consciousness Tool by the same name, this teaching of Conscious ‘Negatives’ will set you free, fully, from the judgement that only ‘positive’ things can be ‘looked at’ and allowed.

It is also a key teaching in the Love Consciousness series.

A thought or behaviour being allowed is the only way to change it, so the whole way in which the world tried to change so called negatives by judging them was never going to work.

This is the freedom of Consciousness beyond the polarity of good and bad which keeps us in our minds, rather than in our being, and in so doing prevents the necessary awareness for the 50% of the things in our lives we’d like to change.

What are you doing with your Consciousness that hasn’t allowed all of who you are by locking you in to the judgement of what you fear you aren’t allowed to be, and would you like to change that?

What if Success isn’t about “this is successful” and “that’s not acceptable”, but transcend all of that, to being about allowing yourself to be, choose and experience you?

See Also



The Power of Love – 90 Minute Video Course

Sunday, January 3rd, 2016

What if You Could End Judging You?

Welcome to The Power of Love.  Would you like to choose total self-love?

What effect might that have on your health?

On your happiness?

On your love, relationships, contribution, prosperity?

On your family?  On your creativity?

The Power of Love Video Course is the bedrock of The Love Consciousness Teachings, and is the primary resource which fully and exactly explains Love and Success, and the introduction to how we can actually feel love and wisdom in our bodies, to allow us to bypass the judging mind completely.

This Video Course also defines the 16 ‘Realisations’ of Love Consciousness, which again also include and integrate with Body Wisdom for optimum health and body experiences.

Watch the full hour and a half show of the evening presentation, which was recorded at The Mindfloor Centre in Malmö, Sweden, in November 2014.

You will also get to download the Questionnaire PDF which all the attendees at the evening got to do before the start of the talk and small group discussion.

What Can We Do for The World?

There isn’t really a problem that cannot be fixed with love.  Hardly any.

Yet as I explain in the preview, few people as yet are defining love and so making it available as something we can use pro-actively.

When we understand that The Power of Love is the absence of judgmentalism, and that judgmentalism is an illusion, our society and our world can be transformed.

Every day, in every moment of consciousness, we have a choice between loving ourselves, and judging ourselves.

What we are doing in choosing to love ourselves is creating a new and better world for everyone.

Thank you for the contribution you are playing in sharing that new culture.

Warmest wishes,



Nina Berg

Live Audience Member

I attended the original evening in Malmö called the “Power of Love” with James. It was an evening filled with wisdom and calmness and I felt hope. I think I felt that way because James spread these feelings with his open and loving personality.

Jo Dance

Online Viewer

I enjoyed it very much. I went from wondering what to do with my evening to being gifted with your presentation. And for that I am truly thankful.

Anna Röing

Online Viewer

I enjoyed how you integrated all the 4 ‘parts’ of being a human as well as the use of language. Made everything come together. Great work!


Conceptual-free-will and conscious-free-will used with permission of Irish author Mick Quinn from his Amazon bestseller, ‘The Uncommon Path’.

The quote which the second half of the evening is loosely based around is by another friend of mine, Peter Ragnar.


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